Tatra Hotel***

Tatra Hotel***

Tatra Hotel***


In the premises of the relaxation center, you can regenerate your body and mind after a hard day or get energy for the next days. Two types of saunas are available to you – Finnish and infra sauna, while the entrance to them is allowed for guests staying at the hotel as well as clients who are not staying at the hotel.



Temperature of finnish sauna: 80-90 °C

Temperature of infra sauna: 40 – 60 °C


Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation. In our relaxation centre, we also offer relaxation in the form of massages. 

You can choose from the following types: 

  • Classic massage 50 minutes, 70 minutes, 90 minutes 
  • Sports foot massage 30 minutes 
  • Antistress massage 45 minutes
  • Massage with lava stones


For more information and the possibility to order a massage, please contact our hotel reception. We wish you a pleasant rest.


The modernly equipped fitness centre is located right next to the relaxa centre. Sports enthusiasts, as well as recreational athletes and cardio enthusiasts, will enjoy themselves.